Mindful Movement with Sanctum

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Mindful Movement with Sanctum

We have come together with Sanctum, the experts in mindful movement, known for their unparalleled moving sequence designed to empower the body and expand the mind.

Sanctum and Manduka Europe will combine on over 100 events in 2024. They include classes in London and Amsterdam, along with other major cities, corporate retreats, as well as Sanctum’s well-attended Frequency Festivals. As the exclusive hardgoods supplier, our PROlite mats will be utilized by participants in all events.

Sanctum the Global Mindful Movement

Sanctum's movement sequences are crafted to unlock your potential, designed to take you to your physical limits, fostering a state of mindful euphoria within each class. Encouraging you to explore your physical, mental, and spiritual boundaries, allowing for uninhibited expression without judgment. 

The Sanctum Sequences invite:

  • Euphoria of mindful movement
  • Power of stillness
  • Ecstatic state of breath work
  • Healing soundscapes
  • Power of radical healing as a community

Join a Sanctum class with Manduka PROlite Yoga Mats

  • Weekly Sanctum Signature Sequence Classes in Amsterdam and London: Sign up here!
  • Join us in Amsterdam on the 21st of September 2024 for the next level edition of the Sanctum Frequency Festival: The Olympic Stadium Takeover. For tickets and further information visit here

Sanctum classes are now fully equipped with PROlite mats, tailored to support your practice and align with your purpose. Connect with Sanctum on wearesanctum.com and Instagram




Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997.

Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997. Share your yoga story with #PracticeOn.

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